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Interested in curriculum development?
NCCA is looking for two people to support the work of each of the following Development Groups:
- Leaving Certificate Agricultural Science
- Leaving Certificate Computer Science
- Leaving Certificate Design and Communications Graphics
- Leaving Certificate History
- Leaving Certificate Home Economics
- Leaving Certificate Mathematics
- Leaving Certificate Music
- Leaving Certificate Physics and Chemistry
It is envisaged that the new specifications will be introduced in schools from September 2027 and the Development Groups will have a key role in this work. The Group will include nominees of the education partners, the Department of Education and other key education agencies. To avail of further expertise, the NCCA is seeking expressions of interest from individuals who would like to contribute to work on the new specifications.
Specialist knowledge and expertise
If you are a teacher or researcher or if you work outside the formal education sector, the Council is particularly interested in hearing from you.
The Council plans to have its work on the specifications completed by Q2, 2026. Beginning in September 2024, the Development Group will support this work through a series of day-long meetings. It is estimated that up to 10 such meetings will take place.
Please complete the relevant online ‘expression of interest’ form below by 5pm on September 13th, 2024. Two positions on each Development Group will be filled using this process.