11 March, 2022
SPHE update
Additional guidance materials and resources have been added to the online toolkits to support SPHE teachers in engaging with the curriculum in a confident and holistic manner. One recent addition of relevance to all teachers is a short video presentation that offers advice on how to create more LGBTQI+ inclusive classrooms: LGBTQI+ students' experiences of RSE: Guidance for SPHE teachers.
The work in redeveloping and updating the SPHE/RSE curriculum for post-primary schools is also underway, with an initial focus on junior cycle. A Consultation Report on the Background Paper and Brief for the Review for Junior Cycle SPHE will be published shortly and will be available here. You can follow the work of the SPHE post primary development group here.
The redeveloped SPHE short course will be available for public consultation in September. This will provide an important opportunity for all interested stakeholders to share their views and give feedback on the revised specification for Junior Cycle SPHE. We will keep you updated on developments in further newsletters.