The Assessment Research and Development programme was established by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment to support knowledge of, engagement with and critical reflection on educational assessment theory and practice. In this initial phase, a particular focus was placed on proposals relevant to the junior cycle of post-primary education, but proposals associated with assessment in early childhood, primary or senior cycle education in Ireland were also considered.
The 2015 initiative is now finished. The completed research projects were showcased at an event on 29th September 2016. The final reports from the research projects are available.
- Developing the concept of Integrated Learning and how it may be used to mediate learning at Junior Cycle.
- Junior Cycle Short Course In How Ireland Was Affected By WW1 using primary documents.
- Self assessment and learning Irish: a pilot study
- To develop Problem Based Learning in the context of junior cycle key skills and expand assessment opportunities.
- Tailored CPD: Exploring Student Engagement and Self-Assessment.
- Developing a Short Course for History on the 1912- 1923 period in Ireland.
- A school wide approach to tracking and monitoring student attainment.
- Post-Primary Teachers' Conceptions of Assessment.
- The Impact of Standardised Assessment in the Primary School Context in Ireland: Key Actor Perspectives.
- Context, Culture and Curriculum: A cross-national comparative study exploring formative assessment implementation in Ireland and Scotland
- Exploring associations between spatial cognition and mathematics: a developmental perspective.
- Assessment and Development of Scientific Literacy at Second Level.