Development of a new specification for Leaving Certificate Accounting has commenced.
Development of a new specification for Leaving Certificate Construction Studies has com...
Development of a new specification for Leaving Certificate Engineering has commenced.
Development of a new specification for Leaving Certificate English has commenced.
Development of a new specification for Leaving Certificate Geography has commenced.
Development of a new specification for Leaving Certificate LCVP Link Modules has commen...
Development of a new specification for Leaving Certificate Physical Education has comme...
As part of the broader reform of senior cycle it is envisaged that a new specification...
As part of the broader reform of senior cycle it is envisaged that a specification for...
NCCA is reviewing and redeveloping Leaving Certificate Arabic.
NCCA is reviewing and redeveloping the Leaving Certificate Classical Languages - Ancien...
Draft specifications are currently being developed
As part of the broader redevelopment of senior cycle, a new curriculum for Senior Cycle...
Development has begun on modules for students in senior cycle who follow a Level 1 or L...
Development of a new Transition Year Programme Statement.
General overview of Leaving Certificate Irish
English as an Additional Language in Post-Primary Schools
Leaving Certificate Applied Mathematics is based on mathematical physics.
The new Leaving Certificate Economics specification is now available
New specifications for Leaving Certificate Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese and Mandarin...