Leaving Certificate Foreign Languages

New specifications for Leaving Certificate Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese and Mandarin Chinese were launched in 2020. A framework approach has been used to develop the specifications for the learning and teaching of a number of Leaving Certificate curricular languages. This involves a common approach across each specification including the introduction, aims, expectations for learners and assessment approaches.


NCCA advises the Minister for Education on curriculum and assessment for early childhood education, for primary and post-primary schools. New specifications for Leaving Certificate Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese and Mandarin Chinese were launched in 2020.
A framework approach has been used to develop the specifications for the learning and teaching of a number of Leaving Certificate curricular languages. This involves a common approach across each specification including the introduction, aims, expectations for learners and assessment approaches. 

The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) is conducting an early enactment review of the Leaving Certificate subjects Lithuanian, Polish and Portuguese. The purpose of the review is to gather feedback from school management, teacher/educators, students and interested parties in relation to the experience of these subjects and their associated assessment arrangements in schools.

You can participate in this review by:

This review process will close on Wednesday, 30th April, 2025 at 5pm.

All of the feedback will be analysed and an Early Enactment Report will be published.

New specifications for Leaving Certificate Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese and Mandarin Chinese were launched in 2020.

A framework approach has been used to develop the specifications for the learning and teaching of a number of Leaving Certificate curricular languages. This involves a common approach across each specification including the introduction, aims, expectations for learners and assessment approaches.
You can find the curriculum specifications and Language Portfolio Guidelines here:


The development of new Leaving Certificate specifications for Leaving Certificate Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese and Mandarin Chinese began in 2019. 

A Development Group was convened and consisted of the nominees from a range of education stakeholders including teacher and management bodies, Department of Education and Skills, and the State Examinations Commission. The Group developed Draft Specifications for consultation for the four languages, which can be read here:

A public consultation on the Background paper and brief took place from 15 November 2019 to 6 January 2020. The consultation report was published in March 2020.

The Development Group progressed the new specifications guided by the consultation report and the new specifications were launched in September 2020.