Senior Cycle Review: International Perspectives
In February 2018, our educations partners participated in a conference to consider the provision of education at Senior Cycle. This initial conversation will be moved into schools, who will be the hub of policy and development for Senior Cycle.
Primary Review: Time and Structure
Between January and April 2017 many children, teachers and members of the public participated in a consultation which considered: How should our primary curriculum be structured? Here you can watch the proceedings of our Consultative Conference in Dublin Castle.
Primary Review: Seminar 1
Following the publication of the report on the consultation on the structure of the primary curriculum and how time is allocated within it, the next phase of work focuses on an overview of a redeveloped curriculum. This draft overview will be the focus of further public consultation in 2019. The development of the overview involves exploring key aspects of a primary curriculum through
• Working with schools and settings
• Learning from research
• A series of invitational seminars.The first seminar in this series took place on March 21st and over one hundred attendees including teachers, principals and other stakeholders in education deliberated about the purpose of a primary curriculum and explored its values and principles.