Aistear Blogs

#2: The Agentic Educator in Aistear

29 January, 2025

Aistear Blogs

Aistear (Government of Ireland, 2024) presents the image of educators as agentic, competent, confident, and reflective. It acknowledges the changing and diverse nature of the 'adult' as referenced in the original Aistear (NCCA, 2009), by recognising the important role educators play in supporting the learning and development of babies, toddlers, and young children.

In Aistear, ‘Educator’ refers to a parent, childminder or early years educator who come to the Framework to support the learning and development of babies, toddlers and young children. Each educator is informed by the relationship they have with the baby, toddler or child, as well as the knowledge, skills and professional qualifications that inform their interpretation of Aistear in their individual context. Aistear is a flexible and accessible framework that allows educators to interpret its Vision, Principles, and Themes broadly. Educators can adapt it to suit the interests and needs of babies, toddlers and young children.

Presenting an image of the agentic educator reflects the respectful regard for this role. Crucially, it also anticipates that the educator holds the same respectful regard for babies, toddlers and young children and the importance of early childhood education and care. The agentic educator values each baby, toddler, young child and their families, knowing their role in creating and nurturing a circle of security and trust.

There is an awareness of the need to nurture and to care for babies, toddlers and young children and to embed learning experiences in the daily routines. The agentic educator sees the language learning in singing songs together during nappy changes. They share the wonder and value moments of discovery as babies, toddlers and young children come to know the world around them. They set out, and set up, provocations for learning and development that respond to the interests and needs of babies, toddlers and young children, as well as knowing the intention of linking to the Learning Goals of Aistear.

The agentic educator is confident in recognising the holistic learning and development that comes from shared learning experiences, seeing how one learning experience has different outcomes for different individuals. Setting the table for lunch might be focused on supporting one child to follow verbal instructions, while for another there may be an intention to support them to interact and build friendships. Educators see the value in slowing down to be with and attuned to babies, toddlers and young children, recognising the potential for deep learning in these moments.

They listen to and listen for the voices of babies, toddlers and young child, seeking to know them and hear what they want to say. Aistear describes the agentic educator as one who is a duty-bearer to promote children’s rights. This means they can recognise the rights of babies, toddlers and young children to be cared for, nurtured and supported to learn and develop. They ensure that they are treated fairly, adapting routines, strategies and the environment to ensure all have equity of access and experience.

The agentic, competent, confident and reflective educator is an advocate for our youngest citizens and plays a crucial role in creating a world of kindness where babies, toddlers and young children are nurtured to care for themselves, to care for others and to care for the environment. 

Read the previous blog in our series here.