Freedom of Information

In addition to fulfilling its obligations under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act, the NCCA is committed to providing information on its activities and services and ensuring all queries are dealt with in a timely fashion. The following frequently asked questions will be assistance to those who wish to make a request under the FOI Act

Q: What is FOI?

A: The FOI Act provides that from 21 April, 1998, every person has the following new legal rights:

  • the right to access official records held by Government Departments or other public bodies listed in the Act;
  • the right to have personal information held on them corrected or updated where such information is incomplete, incorrect or misleading; and
  • the right to be given reasons for decisions taken by public bodies that affect them.

These rights mean that from 21 April, 1998, people can seek access to personal information held on them - no matter when the information was created - and to other records created after 21 April, 1998.

Q: What records can be requested?

A: Under the Act, the following records are accessible:

  • all records created after the Act commenced 21st April, 1998;
  • all personal records of clients, whenever created;
  • all records of staff created after 21 April, 1995, or earlier if used adversely against staff member; and
  • all records created earlier if needed to understand records created after that date.

Freedom of Information (FOI) Publication Scheme
National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA)

Section 8 of the Freedom of Information Act 2014, requires FOI bodies to prepare and publish as much information as possible in an open and accessible manner on a routine basis outside of FOI, having regard to the principles of openness, transparency, and accountability. This allows for the publication or giving of records outside of FOI provided that such publication or giving of access is not prohibited by law. The scheme commits FOI bodies to making information available as part of their normal business activities in accordance with this scheme.

Please find the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment FOI Publication Scheme below. Each table leads to links to the relevant information on the NCCA's website. If the information you require cannot be found here, you may wish to conduct a search on the NCCA's website.
For information on how to make a Freedom of Information request please click here.

Q: How do I make an FOI Request to the Council?

A: You can send a request in writing to:

FOI Officer
ESRI Building,
Whitaker Square,
Sir John Rogerson’s Quay,
Dublin 2,
D02 K138,

T. +353 1 661 7177

 Your request should include the following:

  • a statement that the request is being made under the FOI Act;
  • as much information as possible about the records being sought; and
  • a specification relating to the form of the copies being requested.

The Freedom of Information Act 2014 are available in hard copy from Government Publications Sales Office.

NCCA Disclosure Log of Non-Personal Requests under FOI from 2014 to-date
Please click on the link below to access this information

NCCA Disclosure Log of Non-Personal Requests under FOI from 2014 to-2022

Access to Information on the Environment (AIE)

European Communities (AIE) Regulations 2007 to 2011 (S.I. No. 133 of 2007 and S.I. No. 662 of 2011) (hereafter referred to as the AIE Regulations), give legal rights to those seeking to access information on the environment from public authorities.
Under these regulations, information relating to the environment held by, or for, a public authority must be made available on request, subject to certain exceptions.

The AIE Regulations provide a definition of environmental information; outlines the manner in which requests for information may be submitted to public authorities and the manner in which public authorities are required to deal with requests.

How to make an AIE application

When making a request for information under the AIE Regulations, you are required to: state that the application is being made under the AIE Regulations and submit it in writing or electronic form;
provide your contact details;
state, in terms that are as specific as possible, the environmental information required, and
if you require the information in a specific format or manner of access, you should specify this in your request.

How to Apply

You should make your request for information under the AIE Regulations in writing to:

FOI Officer, NCCA, ESRI Building, Whitaker Square, Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, Dublin 2, D02 K138, Ireland.

or by e-mail to:

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