Guidelines for Schools on Assessment and Reporting on Students’ Learning – Junior Cycle 2021 issued by the Department of Education on March 9th state that the school will issue a School Report detailing the learning achievements of the student. Schools will have autonomy, following consultation with the teachers of third year students, regarding how assessment is arrived at and the format in which the report is provided. Relevant supports for reporting are provided below.
Ongoing Reporting Booklet
This booklet is intended for use by teachers, the school management team, and the facilitator of the school’s discussion and reflection on its current and future reporting practice.
Support Materials for Ongoing Reporting
Introduction to Reporting (PowerPoint Show)
Guiding Principle 1: Engaging with Parents (PowerPoint Show)
Guiding Principle 2: Students reflect on their learning (PowerPoint Show)
Guiding Principle 3: Professional judgement of teachers (PowerPoint Show)
Guiding Principle 4: Language of learning to provide feedback (PowerPoint Show)
Guiding Principle 5: Be manageable and not take time from L&T (PowerPoint Show)
Guiding Principle 6: Clearly communicate student progress in learning (PowerPoint Show)
Guiding Principle 8: Sensitive to self-esteem and wellbeing (PowerPoint Show)
Reporting Guidelines
These guidelines set out an approach to reporting at junior cycle that will contribute to the personal development of students, support learning and teaching while being manageable and accessible for everyone involved.
Reporting Guidelines (PDF)
Junior Cycle School Report: Summer 2021
Guidelines for schools on Assessment and Reporting on Students’ Learning – Junior Cycle 2021, issued by the Department of Education on March 9th state that for the purpose of reporting ‘Schools will have autonomy, following consultation with the teachers of third year students, regarding how assessment is arrived at and the format in which the report is provided’. A sample NCCA reporting template, developed in line with the guidelines for schools, is available below.
The template draws upon existing good practice in school reporting, providing support for schools as they design and develop their reporting templates for the current cohort of third years. Schools may use the complete template or may include/exclude elements of the template to suit their particular context and needs.
The versions of the template below are similar in format, but some include provision for reporting on student achievement in Level 2 and Level 1 Priority Learning Units (PLUs). Please note that where the specific names of subjects, short courses and PLUs are included, these are included only to provide a sample of what a report will look like.
- Sample Junior Cycle School Report: Summer 2021 (Level 3)
- Sample Junior Cycle School Report: Summer 2021 (Level 2)
- Sample Junior Cycle School Report: Summer 2021 (Level 1)
- Sample Junior Cycle School Report: Summer 2021 (Level 2/Level 3 combination)
- Sample Junior Cycle School Report: Summer 2021 (Level 1/Level 2 combination)