Applied Technology

The study of Applied Technology will provide students with the opportunity to develop their technological skills through engaging with a broad range of materials and systems while developing an understanding of the principles of energy transformation to achieve solutions to practical problems. Throughout the three years, students will have the freedom to explore design and systems thinking, along with design practices to investigate, generate and refine ideas, while considering the environmental, economic and ethical impact of their solutions.

The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) is conducting an early enactment review of the junior cycle subject Applied Technology (Phase 5). The consultation consists of a number of components, including written submissions, an online survey and a school-based component. NCCA is seeking the views of a range of parties, including education stakeholders, practising teachers and students who are interested in contributing to this early enactment review.

The purpose of the review is to gather feedback from school management, teacher/educators, students and interested parties in relation to the experience of these subjects and their associated assessment arrangements in schools.

You can participate in this consultation by completing the online survey. 

You can participate in this consultation by sending a written submission using this template.

Please email the completed written submission to and use “JC Phase 5 Early Enactment Review (Subject Name) Written Submission” in the subject line.

All of the feedback will be analysed and an Early Enactment Report will be published.

This review process will close on Friday 14 March, 2025 at 5pm.

Students will develop the knowledge, skills and understanding necessary to creatively engage in a design-based approach to solving everyday technological problems, mindful of the impact on natural resources and on the environment.

For students who begin first year in or after September 2019, the Junior Cycle Applied Technology specification applies. To support the specification, Assessment Guidelines and Examples of Student Work will be provided. These will be made available on

The Junior Cycle Applied Technology specification will be introduced into schools in September 2019. The development of the specification began in September 2017. 

The background paper and consultation report for Junior Cycle Technology subjects explores the development of the Technology subject at Junior Cycle; highlights good practice at home and abroad, and uses evidence-based research to inform the revision of the specification.