Home Economics

Junior Cycle Home Economics develops the knowledge, understanding, skills and values necessary achieve optimal, healthy and sustainable living for every person as an individual, and as a member of families and society.

In line with the Framework for Junior Cycle (2015), new subject specifications for Junior Cycle Geography, History, Home Economics, Mathematics and Music were introduced in schools in September 2018 as part of Phase 4 of the introduction of new subject specifications. The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) conducted an early insights review between November 2023 to February 2024 to gather feedback to evaluate and explore:

  • how well the specifications get to the heart of the learning aspired to within each subject and more broadly within the Framework for Junior Cycle
  • the assessment elements within each subject, as experienced by students and teachers
  • how teachers are exercising their professional judgement to mediate the new specification in their schools and classrooms.


Junior Cycle Home Economics develops the knowledge, understanding, skills and values necessary achieve optimal, healthy and sustainable living for every person as an individual, and as a member of families and society. It is studied through three interconnected strands: Food, Health and Culinary Skills; Responsible Family Living; and, Textiles and Craft. 

The Junior Cycle Home Economics specification was introduced in schools from September 2018. The specification, examples of student work and assessment guidelines are available at the link below:

The consultation for the Early Enactment Review of junior cycle Home Economics is now open. The consultation consists of a number of components, including written submissions, a teacher survey and a school-based component. The purpose of the review is to gather feedback from school management, teacher/educators and interested parties in relation to the experience of these subjects and their associated assessment arrangements in schools.

You can participate in this consultation by completing the online questionnaire.

You can also participate in this consultation by sending a written submission using this template. Please send it to consultations@ncca.ie and use “JC Phase 4 Early Enactment Review (Subject Name) Written Submission” in the subject line.

All of the feedback will be analysed and an Early Enactment Report will be published.

This review process will close on Thursday 29 February at 5pm.

The Junior Cycle Home Economics specification was introduced into schools in September 2018. The development of the specification began in March 2016.

The background paper for Junior Cycle Home Economics explored the development of the subject at junior cycle; highlighted good practice at home and abroad; and used evidence-based research to inform the revision of the specification.

The Home Economics Development Group consisted of the nominees from a range of education stakeholders including teacher and management bodies, Department of Education and Skills, and the State Examinations Commission.

A draft Junior Cycle Home Economics specification was developed between May 2016 - March 2017. The draft specification is available here.