Religious Education

Junior Cycle Religious Education focuses on developing knowledge, understanding, skills, attitudes and values to enable young people to come to an understanding of religion and its relevance to life, relationships, society and the wider world. The course is built around three interconnecting strands: Exploring Beliefs, Exploring Questions and Living our Values.

The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) is conducting an early enactment review of the junior cycle subject Religious Education (Phase 5). The consultation consists of a number of components, including written submissions, an online survey and a school-based component. NCCA is seeking the views of a range of parties, including education stakeholders, practising teachers and students who are interested in contributing to this early enactment review.

The purpose of the review is to gather feedback from school management, teacher/educators, students and interested parties in relation to the experience of these subjects and their associated assessment arrangements in schools.

You can participate in this consultation by completing the online survey. 

You can participate in this consultation by sending a written submission using this template.

Please email the completed written submission to and use “JC Phase 5 Early Enactment Review (Subject Name) Written Submission” in the subject line.

All of the feedback will be analysed and an Early Enactment Report will be published.

This review process will close on Friday 14 March, 2025 at 5pm.

Junior Cycle Religious Education aims to develop the students’ ability to examine questions of meaning, purpose and relationships, to help students understand, respect and appreciate people’s expression of their beliefs, and to facilitate dialogue and reflection on the diversity of beliefs and values that inform responsible decision-making and ways of living.

For students who begin first year before September 2018 the Junior Certificate RE syllabus (2000) applies.

For students who begin first year in or after September 2019 Junior Cycle Religious Education specification applies. Click here to download. 

The Junior Cycle Religious Education specification will be introduced into schools in September 2019. The development of the specification began in May 2017.

The background paper for Junior Cycle Religious Education and the consultation report which have informed the development of the specification can be accessed here

The Religious Education Development Group consists of the nominees from a range of education stakeholders including teacher and management bodies, Department of Education and Skills, and the State Examinations Commission. Reports of development group meetings can be accessed below.