More about Phase 1
The Coding in Primary Schools Initiative comprised two phases. Phase 1 involved 15 primary schools and focused on documenting their practice in relation to coding.
The overall purpose of this work was to share their stories, examples of classroom activities and whole school practices as a support to other schools interested in this area.
These examples informed the development of materials to support other schools in introducing coding and computational thinking as part of Phase 2 in the initiative.
Phase 1 of the initiative began in September 2017 with an open call for schools to participate.
The schools in this phase were early adopters or had prior knowledge and experience of teaching coding and computational thinking in a primary classroom.
Fifteen schools participated and included urban DEIS, rural DEIS, scoil sa Ghaeltacht, Gaelscoil, school with special classes, small rural, and large urban.
Classes ranged from junior infants to sixth class in a variety of multi-grade and single grade rooms.