Draft specifications for Leaving Certificate Irish for L1 and L2 were approved by NCCA Council in November 2020 for public consultation. The consultation process launched in February 2021. Council extended the timeline for consultation until the end of November 2021 in response to requests from stakeholders as they continued to deal with the impact of Covid-19 on schools.
The purpose of the consultation was to gather feedback from teachers, parents, students, Irish language organisations and other stakeholders on the draft specifications.
Consultation report:
The report on the consultation on the draft specifications for Leaving Certificate Irish L1 and L2 records and responds to the views of stakeholders gathered during the extensive consultation. It considers in detail the feedback received on the draft specifications. It also captures feedback on the potential implications for the implementation of new specifications and summarises systemic considerations that arose such as the model of curricular provision for Irish. Informed by the consultation findings, the report concludes by setting out the next steps for Leaving Certificate Irish.
You can read the report by clicking here.
An information note providing an overview of the report and the next steps can be read by clicking here.
Analysis of data received from written submissions and online surveys, as part of the consultation on draft specifications for Leaving Certificate Irish T1 and T2, was completed by University of Galway, and was incorporated into the NCCA consultation report. A report on the analysis conducted by University of Galway is available here.
The specification for Leaving Certificate Irish L1 is aimed at native speakers and learners in Gaeltacht schools, and students in the sector that operate through the Irish language (Gaelcholáistí and Aonaid lán-Ghaeilge). In schools that operate as English-medium schools, there will also be the option to provide the L1 specification.
You can read the draft specification for Leaving Certificate Irish L1 here.
Read the Irish version of the draft specification for Leaving Certificate L1 here.
The specification for Leaving Certificate Irish L2 is aimed at students who use the Irish language as a second language, primarily in schools that operate as English-medium schools.
You can read the draft specification for Leaving Certificate Irish L2 here.
Read the Irish version of the draft specification for Leaving Certificate L2 here.