Politics and Society
A new specification for Politics and Society was launched on 1st February 2016 and was introduced in a small number of schools in September 2016. Politics and Society aims to develop the student's ability to be a reflective and active citizen, in a way that is informed by the insights and skills of social and political science. It is a full Leaving Certificate subject, requiring the same amount of class time (180 hours) as all other subjects. The Department of Education and Skills is introducing this specification as part of the commemoration of 1916. It also contributes to the commitment to education for sustainable development.
- Specification
Support materials for teachers
These materials aim to support teachers in teaching and assessing the learning outcomes of Politics and Society. The ideas and resources provided here are not prescriptive, and teachers will discover many other ways of achieving the learning outcomes. The resources include links to websites, research, articles and videos. There are also some suggestions on teaching methodologies and possible student assessment tasks.
Topic 1: Power and decision-making in school
Teaching, learning and assessment activities:
Relevant theorists:
Key concepts:
Topic 2: Power and decision-making at national and European level
Teaching, learning and assessment activities:
Relevant Theorists:
Key concepts:
Topic 3: Effectively contributing to communities
Teaching learning and assessment activities:
Relevant theorists:
to be added
Key concepts:
Topic 4: Rights and responsibilities in communication with others
Teaching, learning and assessment activities:
Relevant Theorists:
(to be added)
Key concepts:
Topic 5: Human rights and responsibilities in Ireland
Teaching, learning and assessment activities:
Relevant Theorists:
Key concepts:
Topic 6: Human rights and responsibilities in Europe and the wider world
Teaching, learning and assessment activities:
Relevant Theorists:
Key concepts:
Topic 7: Globalisation and localisation
Teaching, learning and assessment activities:
Relevant Theorists:
Key concepts:
Topic 8: Sustainable development
Teaching, learning and assessment activities:
Relevant Theorists:
Key concepts:
Topic 1: Power and decision-making in school
Methodologies for Key Skills
Teaching methodologies to help develop students' skills in the Politics and Society classroom can be accessed here.
Additional Materials
Information leaflet
The following articles provide just a sample of work from some of the big thinkers you will be examining during the course.Some articles are hyperlinked so that you can access the article freely on the internet while others are uploaded here as PDF documents.
Kathleen Lynch
- Kathleen Lynch & Baker (2005) Equality in education: An equality of condition perspective, Theory and Research in Education, 3(2), pp.121-164
- Kathleen Lynch, Economic Inequality creates Educational Inequalities, Village magazine, No 2013
- Lynch and Lyons 2008 The Gendered Order of Caring
- Lynch 2009 Who Cares? Gender issues and affective quality
- Lynch 2012 Charity and the Careless State, Irish Times, November 24th 2012
- Powerpoint presentation on Women, Class and Gender
- Roland Tormey
Kathleen Lynch
- Planning for Politics and Society
- Citizenship Project and report Guidelines
- Sample Questions for the Written Examination
Background materials
- Social and Political Education Senior Cycle: a background paper September 2006
- Report on consultation on Social and Political Education in Senior Cycle: a background paper May 2007
- Research on young people's areas of interest in Politics and Society Draft report June 2008
- Senior Cycle Politics and Society: Report on the Consultation (March 2010)