20 May, 2021
Transfer and reporting updates 2021
To support schools with end-of-year reporting and preparing for the transfer of information to post-primary schools, the NCCA has developed two key resources: A FAQ support document for teachers and an information leaflet for parents/guardians.
The FAQ provides relevant updates on reporting as set out in Circular 0018/2021 and includes useful links for teachers, in addition to guidance for reporting on remote learning, standardised testing and attendance in respect of the 2020/2021 school year.
The information leaflet for parents/guardians is available in nine languages and is intended to accompany the end-of-year reports distributed to parents and guardians in June.
Given the exceptional circumstances this year, the Report Card Creator now includes useful prompts and adjustments to support teachers as they report on children’s progress in the context of both in-school and remote learning.
These resources, in addition to general supports and guidance on reporting and transfer can be found at https://ncca.ie/en/primary/reporting-and-transfer/
In the case of children who may require additional support upon transfer to post-primary school, the Education Passport may be supplemented by the NEPS Student Transfer Form.