Keep the Conversation Going

13 January, 2022

Keep the Conversation Going

The draft framework is designed to build on the success of the 1999 curriculum, while recognising and responding to the challenges and changing needs of society. Do you feel the draft framework achieves this?

The draft framework outlines proposals in relation to changing how the curriculum is structured and presented (for example, curriculum areas and learning outcomes). What are your thoughts about these changes?

The draft framework outlines important messages in relation to emerging priorities for children’s learning, such as the key competencies, increased emphasis on some existing areas as well as including new areas of learning. What is your response to these messages?

The draft framework makes proposals in relation to a variety of pedagogical approaches and strategies, with assessment central to teaching and learning. What is your response to these statements around pedagogy and assessment?

The draft framework outlines messages in relation to curriculum connections, and transitions between preschool, primary and post-primary. What are your thoughts on this aspect of the draft framework?

The draft framework outlines messages in relation to agency and flexibility for schools and teachers (for example, in relation to timetabling and planning). What do you think about what the draft framework proposes?