Primary Maths Consultation

NCCA is now preparing to consult on the full Draft Primary Mathematics Curriculum

11 March, 2022

Primary Maths Consultation

Following consultation on the draft Mathematics specification for junior infants to second class in 2017/2018 (report available here), NCCA is now preparing to consult on the full Draft Primary Mathematics Curriculum.

There will be a number of strands to the consultation.

1) School network                                       

This work will involve engaging with a network of 12 schools. These reflect the rich diversity of school types in primary education. The schools will work with the draft curriculum, including the draft learning outcomes, mathematical concepts and progression continua.

 2) Children’s voice

Another key aim of the consultation will be gathering feedback with children. We want to hear what they think about the types of learning experiences associated with the Draft Primary Mathematics Curriculum. This work will be carried out in collaboration with the school network.

3) Online questionnaires

There will be two questionnaires available online; one for those working in and/ or involved in education and another for parents and guardians. These will be available on the primary mathematics webpage on the end of April.

4) Written submissions

There will also be an online facility for groups or individuals to make a written submission. This facility will open at the end of April and details will be found on the primary mathematics webpage.

Finally, taking account of the proposals set out in the Draft Primary Curriculum Framework, we will also seek to explore some initial considerations for potential connectivity between Mathematics and Science and Technology. This work will involve engagement with teachers, school leaders and other stakeholders in the area.

You can keep up to date on all developments associated with the consultation on our dedicated primary mathematics webpage. Here you can also find out more about the background research and development work behind the new draft specification.