Primary Maths Consultation

Consultation on the new Draft Primary Mathematics Curriculum continues until the end of June 2022. Find out more about the consultation and how you can get involved.

19 May, 2022

Primary Maths Consultation

NCCA has now published the Draft Primary Mathematics Curriculum for consultation. This is available, along with the draft overview of the Primary Mathematics Toolkit, on the primary maths webpage. Here, you will also find draft support materials on topics such as maths talk, cognitively challenging tasks and developing Maths Eyes.

Consultation will run until the end of June and there are a number of ways to get involved: 

Working with schools is central to the process of curriculum development in Ireland and, for the Draft Primary Mathematics Curriculum, NCCA is working with a diverse network of 15 schools from across Ireland. In addition to gathering the views and opinions of teachers, school leaders and parents, a team from Mary Immaculate College is conducting a consultation with children in the network of schools on NCCA’s behalf.

A report of the findings from this consultation will be prepared over the summer and will be published on our website in due course.

You can keep up to date on all developments associated with the consultation on NCCA’S dedicated primary maths webpage and find out more about the background research and development work behind the new draft curriculum. We look forward to hearing from you.