Last chance to have your say

Consultation on the redeveloped primary curriculum continues until June 7th. Find out more about the consultation to-date and how you can have your say on the proposals.

24 May, 2024

Last chance to have your say

As part of the redevelopment of the Primary School Curriculum, NCCA is running a public consultation on five Draft Primary Curriculum Specifications in Arts Education; Modern Foreign Languages in the Primary Language Curriculum; Social and Environmental Education; Science, Technology and Engineering Education; and Wellbeing.  


Since March 9th, NCCA has been meeting with teachers, school leaders, parents, children and other stakeholders through in-person and online focus groups, and hearing their views on the proposals. In addition, a consultation event was held in Croke Park last month, bringing together a wide range of voices to discuss and debate the different proposals.  


NCCA also continues to work with five schools networks. Over the last number of months, these schools have provided in-depth feedback on the draft proposals. Children from these schools have also had their say on what they consider important to their learning.  

With only two weeks left in the consultation, NCCA wants to hear from as many more people as possible. Here are some of the ways you can still get involved: 

·        Questionnaires: There are online questionnaires for education professionals and parents. Each one contains a number of short questions and a space to add extra feedback. 

·        Written submissions: Individuals and groups/organisations and are also invited to submit written feedback on one or more of the draft curriculum specifications.  


The feedback gathered from this consultation will be analysed and reported upon, and will contribute to the finalisation of the five Draft Curriculum Specifications.  


For more information on the consultation, please visit our dedicated consultation page.