Revised arrangements for CBAs (2024-2025)

Revised arrangements for the completion of Classroom-Based Assessments have been published. These arrangements are for students who are in 2nd and 3rd year in the current school year (2024-25).

21 October, 2024

Revised arrangements for CBAs (2024-2025)

Revised arrangements for the completion of Classroom-Based Assessments have been put in place each year since the Covid 19 pandemic required schools to close. Arrangements are now in place for students in both the 2022-25 and 2023-26 junior cycle cohorts (i.e., 2nd year and 3rd year students in the current academic year 2024-25). These arrangements set out the requirements for students in terms of the CBAs to be completed for each subject, and the time parameters allowed. They include the latest dates for completion of the CBA, the awarding of provisional descriptors, the Subject Learning and Assessment Review (SLAR) meeting and the awarding of final descriptors. The arrangements can be found here on NCCA’s website