Molfeasa Research Alive

How can teachers be supported to connect their practice with research and with researchers and other teachers?

This question is at the heart of work by three national organisations, the Centre for Effective Services (CES), the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment(NCCA) and the Teaching Council - the Bringing Research Alive Group.


The Irish term "mol feasa" means "hub of wisdom/knowledge/learning". We use this hashtag on social media to promote the use of research for teaching and learning. It focuses on a broad interpretation of research, including academic and action research and draws on the work and ideas of both teacher-researchers as well as those working as researchers. circular diagram

Actions to Date

2017: March - Teachers and Research shared learning day 

2015: March - Tender for Molfeasa published on e-Tender website

2014: Development of a Tender for Molfeasa, an online knowledge hub for teachers

2013: Research Alive Conference and provision by the Teaching Council of access to the EBSCO Education Source package for all registered teachers.

2012: Teacher survey (access to, and engagement with research)