Mo Scéal Reporting Templates

My Story Play My Story My Story

The NCCA worked with preschools and primary schools to develop the Mo Scéal: Moving from Preschool to Primary templates. Mo Scéal means ‘my story’ and the templates help to tell the story of the child’s learning and development. This information will be shared with parents and, with their consent, with the primary school.

There is no requirement to use the Mo Scéal templates. Rather, they are a resource which preschools and schools might find helpful as they collaborate in supporting young children and their families at this key transition. As transition is a process over many months, ideas for fun and engaging activities are also available. Many of these ideas come from preschool practitioners and primary school teachers. 

NCCA will be working closely with DES and DCEDIY and relevant partners to develop guidance and pilot support processes for those using the templates. 


Reporting Templates

There is no requirement to use the Mo Scéal templates. Rather, they are a resource which preschools and schools might find helpful as they collaborate in supporting young children and their families at this key transition. As transition is a process over many months, ideas for fun and engaging activities are also available.

How to use the Mo Scéal Templates:

The Mo Sceal templates are Adobe PDFs and you will not be able to edit or save them in your web browser.

Step 1.
Download the file to a location in your computer by right clicking on the template link and (depending on the browser you are using) ....
 - Microsoft Internet Explorer or Edge: Save target as ...
 - Chrome: Save link as …
 - FireFox: Save Link As …
 - Safari: Download Linked File As ...

Download the file to a folder or location on your computer.

Step 2.
Once you have downloaded the file you can view and edit it with Adobe Acrobat only.
You can download Adobe Acrobat for free from

The templates are available in two formats so that preschools can choose how to share information. In each format, only Section 1: Practitioner is different, as outlined below.

Template 1 provides space for narrative descriptions based on Aistear’s four themes. 

Template 2 provides ten statements related to each of Aistear’s four themes accompanied by a 4-point rating scale. 

Sections 2, 3 and 4 are identical in both formats.

These materials will help you complete the reports. 

These materials will help you use the reports. 

Sharing information on learning and development Play Sharing information on learning and development Sharing information on learning and development
My experience of completing transition reports Play My experience of completing transition reports My experience of completing transition reports
Using the transition reports for classroom planning Play Using the transition reports for classroom planning Using the transition reports for classroom planning
Using the transition reports in a special primary school Play Using the transition reports in a special primary school Using the transition reports in a special primary school
Using Mo Scéal to support the transition from preschool to primary Play Using Mo Scéal to support the transition from preschool to primary Using Mo Scéal to support the transition from preschool to primary