Business Studies

Junior Cycle Business Studies focuses on improving students' understanding of the business environment through the three inter-connected strands: Personal Finance, Enterprise and Our Economy.

Business studies aims to stimulate students’ interest in the business environment and how they interact with it. It develops skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviours that allow them to make informed and responsible decisions with all the resources available to them, ensuring their and society’s well-being, while becoming more self-aware as learners.


In line with the Framework for Junior Cycle (2015), new subject specifications for Junior Cycle Science and Business Studies were introduced in schools in September 2016 as part of Phase 2 of the introduction of new subject specifications. The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) conducted an early insights review between October and December 2019 to gather feedback to evaluate and explore:

  • how well the specifications get to the heart of the learning aspired to within each subject and more broadly within the Framework for Junior Cycle
  • the assessment elements within each subject, as experienced by students and teachers
  • how teachers are exercising their professional judgement to mediate the new specification in their schools and classrooms. 

Report on the Early Enactment of JC Science and Business Studies

The Junior Cycle Business Studies specification was introduced into schools in September 2016. The development of the specification began in November 2013.

The background paper and consultation report for Junior Cycle Business Studies explores the development of the subject at junior cycle; highlights good practice at home and abroad; and to uses evidence-based research to inform the revision of the specification.

 The Business Studies Development Group consists of the nominees from a range of education stakeholders including teacher and management bodies, Department of Education and Skills, and the State Examinations Commission. Reports of development group meetings can be accessed here. 

 A draft Junior Cycle Business Studies specification was developed from November 2013 - March 2015. The draft specification and consultation report is available here.



Assessment Guidelines for Junior Cycle Business Studies and information on the Assessment Task for Junior Cycle Business Studies can be found here. 

Young people are growing up in a globalised and dynamic world. New opportunities and challenges will emerge in their lifetimes that are virtually unimaginable today. Developing technologies, environmental and societal challenges, demographics, global competition and changing consumer demand will drive these changes. Studying business helps to equip students with the understanding, skills and attitudes to participate fully in an interconnected world. Watch our Introduction to Business Studies here.

Sample questions are available to support teaching and learning in Business Studies

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