Maths Curriculum

This section provides information on the development of the new Primary Mathematics Curriculum.

The new Primary Mathematics Curriculum is published

Following the launch of the Primary Curriculum Framework in March this year, the new Primary Mathematics Curriculum has now been published. The curriculum presents a fresh vision for children’s mathematical learning that is characterised by playfulness, creativity, challenge, risk-taking, collaboration and opportunities for reasoning and solving real-life problems.

The development of the curriculum is underpinned by research, consultation, deliberation and close work with schools. 

To support teachers in using the new curriculum, the Primary Mathematics Toolkit contains a range of supports, including mathematical concepts, progression continua, support materials and examples of children’s learning. The new curriculum specification, along with the Primary Mathematics Toolkit, is now published on

Primary Maths Introductory Video_EN Play Primary Maths Introductory Video_EN

Publication of consultation reports

Consultation on the Draft Primary Mathematics Curriculum took place between March and June 2022. During that time, NCCA heard from teachers, school leaders, children, parents and other stakeholders on primary maths.

Two consultation reports have now been published, sharing what children, teachers, school leaders and other stakeholders had to say on the draft curriculum.

Report on the Consultation on the Draft Primary Mathematics Curriculum

The first consultation report presents findings which emerged from data gathered through the online questionnaires for educators and parents, written submissions, and the School Network.

Report on the Consultation with Children on the Draft Primary mathematics Curriculum

The second consultation report presents findings gathered from children across a number of schools. This piece of research was conducted by a research team from Mary Immaculate College and provided an important opportunity for children to share their views about their experiences of learning mathematics. Watch the video below of Dr Aisling Leavy (Mary Immaculate College) sharing some insights from the consultation with children.

Findings from the consultation have provided a rich basis to support the finalisation of the Primary Mathematics Curriculum, which will be published later this year. Updates on the publication of the new curriculum will be shared on this webpage.  


Consultation 2022

Consultation on the full Draft Primary Mathematics Curriculum ran from March 24th - June 30th 2022.

Draft Primary Mathematics Curriculum

Draft overview of the Primary Mathematics Toolkit

Draft Support Materials

1. An introduction to using Cognitively Challenging Tasks

2. Supporting inclusive practice when teaching Time

3. An introduction to Maths Talk

4. Promoting Maths Talk to support children’s
learning of Place Value in Stages 1 & 2

5. Creating rich learning environments

6. Supporting the Development of Maths Eyes at Home and in the Community

7. Preparation for teaching and learning in primary mathematics

8. Developing Maths Eyes in the classroom

9. An Introduction to Mathematical Modeling

10. Supporting Mathematical Modeling in the classroom

11. Designing activities, tasks and problems for Mathematical Modeling


Additional research for teaching and learning in the senior primary classes

In addition to the comprehensive suite of research for teaching and learning mathematics for children aged 4-8 years, a new suite of research has been commissioned by the NCCA which addresses teaching and learning for children in the senior classes of primary school. This research includes:

research addendum to the original Research Reports 17 & 18 entitled 'Learning and Teaching Primary Mathematics'. This comprehensive research paper, authored by Dr Therese Dooley (2019), focuses on the middle to upper years of primary education to explore key ideas and considerations for teaching and learning.

A suite of five short research papers which span the five key domains of mathematical learning to discuss core learning concepts, mathematical processes and key messages for enactment in the classroom.  


Consultation Report 2018

Consultation on the new Primary Mathematics Curriculum from Junior Infants to Second Class ran from October 2017 to March 2018. The report on this consultation has now been published. An accompanying video was developed to summarise the consultation and can be viewed below. Once again, thank you to all those who engaged with the consultation.

The draft specification for junior infants to second class is available here. Following a period of consultation, this specification is currently being revised and extended for junior infants up to sixth class.    

Consulting with children on Primary Maths (2023) Play Consulting with children on Primary Maths (2023) Consulting with children on Primary Maths (2023)
Overview of consulting with children report (2023) Play Overview of consulting with children report (2023) Overview of consulting with children report (2023)
Primary Mathematics Consultation (2018) Play Primary Mathematics Consultation (2018) Primary Mathematics Consultation (2018)

Research Papers

To add to the comprehensive suite of research underpinning the new Primary Mathematics Curriculum, a series of five short research papers are now available. These research papers, authored by prominent Irish academics in the field, focus on teaching and learning in the senior primary classes of primary school, across the five key mathematical domains: Algebra, Data and Chance, Number, Measures, Shape and Space. These papers examine the core mathematical concepts that are important for children to learn, the key skills and processes they will engage with as they learn and key messages for supporting enactment of the curriculum in classrooms.
Find below links to the five papers:

Research addendum

A research addendum to the original reports below was published in September 2019. It explores mathematical teaching and learning in the middle to upper years of primary education. 

Research reports

Mathematics in Early Childhood and Primary Education (3 - 8 years): Executive Summaries


Mathematics in Early Childhood and Primary Education (3 - 8 years): Definitions, theories, development and progression. RESEARCH REPORT No. 17


Mathematics in Early Childhood and Primary Education (3 - 8 years): Teaching and learning. RESEARCH REPORT No.18


The Building Blocks of Early Mathematics

What are the building blocks of mathematics? How important are they? Doug Clements answers these questions by summarizing recent research and development work. One effective instructional approach featured in all these is basing instruction on learning trajectories. This approach will be illustrated through a set of research projects using learning trajectories successfully.

How teachers can use maths learning trajectories to support all children to progress. Play How teachers can use maths learning trajectories to support all children to progress. How teachers can use maths learning trajectories to support all children to progress.
The role of technology in maths in primary schools for children aged 4-8. Play The role of technology in maths in primary schools for children aged 4-8. The role of technology in maths in primary schools for children aged 4-8.
Hallmarks of a good maths curriculum for children aged 4-8 years. Play Hallmarks of a good maths curriculum for children aged 4-8 years. Hallmarks of a good maths curriculum for children aged 4-8 years.
Appropriate maths experiences look like in classrooms for 4-8 year olds. Play Appropriate maths experiences look like in classrooms for 4-8 year olds. Appropriate maths experiences look like in classrooms for 4-8 year olds.
Learning trajectories in early mathematics. Play Learning trajectories in early mathematics. Learning trajectories in early mathematics.
The impact of parental expectations on children’s maths learning. Play The impact of parental expectations on children’s maths learning. The impact of parental expectations on children’s maths learning.
The importance of children understanding rather than memorising maths. Play The importance of children understanding rather than memorising maths. The importance of children understanding rather than memorising maths.
Intentional play-based teaching and learning in maths. Play Intentional play-based teaching and learning in maths. Intentional play-based teaching and learning in maths.

A conference on developing mathematical ideas with children (3-8 years) took place on Monday, November 24th 2014 in the Conference Centre in Dublin Castle.

Delegates heard keynotes from Professor Douglas Clements (University of Denver) and Professor Elizabeth Wood (Sheffield University) and took part in workshops spotlighting innovative maths work in schools and early years services. The conference closed with the Minister for Education and Skills, Jan O’Sullivan, TD launching two research reports: