Education Passport

The Education Passport materials support the transfer of pupil information from primary to post-primary school. From 2014/2015, schools should use these materials.

The Education Passport materials support a 3-phase process to the transfer of pupil information from primary to post-primary schools.


The following forms help support the process of pupil transfer from primary to post-primary:

Primary schools may wish to refer to the following supports:

Experiences from schools

Completing My Profile: Children's Experiences Play Completing My Profile: Children's Experiences Completing My Profile: Children's Experiences

Here are the Education Passport materials your child's primary school will use to support the sharing of some information about his/her learning with the post-primary school. The primary school will only share this information after the post-primary school has confirmed your child's enrolment.

Share your views on the layout, design and scope of the transfer materials; the naming of the individual items; the overall title of the transfer materials; and the process of using the transfer materials. Please email your thoughts to