13 October, 2021
Education for Sustainable Development
The importance of ESD is underlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s August 2021 report which warns climate change is widespread, rapid and intensifying, although a sustained reduction in emissions could limit it. UNESCO continues its sustained efforts to progress ESD to achieve the goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
NCCA provides a range of curriculum supports for ESD which include the following.
- The 2018 NCCA report identifies opportunities for building on existing ESD practice and potential links between subjects in primary and post-primary schools, and themes in the Aistear. It describes how sample learning outcomes align to the sustainable development goals.
- Outdoor learning is positively associated with ESD, providing opportunities to connect learning with the local environment. NCCA has published a series of webinars on Outdoor learning in the primary school.
- Examples of student work are available across junior cycle subjects to support teacher professional development (e.g. in Science, Business Studies, and Geography), many of which relate to ESD.