Consultation reports on the Draft Primary Mathematics Curriculum

01 March, 2023

Consultation reports on the Draft Primary Mathematics Curriculum

During the consultation on the Draft Primary Mathematics Curriculum from March to June 2022, NCCA heard from a wide range of teachers, school leaders, children, parents and other stakeholders.

The first consultation report presents findings which emerged from data gathered through the online questionnaires for educators and parents, written submissions, and the School Network. A total of 14 schools participated in the School Network, representing both a geographical and contextual spread of school type, including: urban DEIS, rural DEIS, Scoil sa Ghaeltacht, Gaelscoil, special school, school with special classes, small rural and large urban. 56 teachers from these schools trialled the draft curriculum in their classrooms. Findings are presented under key themes, including curriculum specification and structure, teachers’ perspectives of key changes, and enacting the curriculum. You can read the first report here.

The second consultation report presents findings gathered from children across a number of schools. This piece of research was conducted by a research team from Mary Immaculate College and provided an important opportunity for children to share their views about their experiences of learning mathematics, and their aspirations for a new curriculum. The findings are presented under seven key themes examining children’s experiences of mathematics in the mathematics classroom. You can read the second report here.

Findings from the consultation have strongly informed and shaped the finalisation of the Primary Mathematics Curriculum, which, subject to the Minister's approval, will be published later this year. If you are interested in learning more, please visit the primary maths webpage and keep an eye on our social media channels for updates.