#3: Aistear and the Irish Language
The National Council for Curriculum and Development (NCCA) recently launched a new prim...
#2: The Agentic Educator in Aistear
#1: The Principles of Early Learning and Development
Beannachtaí na Nollag agus Athbhliain faoi shéan is faoi mhaise duit | Season’s Greeti...
Today sees the publication of reports based on the recent consultation on five draft sp...
Welcomed by Ministers Norma Foley, and Roderic O’Gorman
Post Primary Special Education Development Group
The eighth report from the Children’s School Lives study examines ‘Equalities’, and how...
A suite of Support Materials for each Strand Unit of the Primary Mathematics Curriculum...
From March to June, NCCA invited anyone with an interest in primary and special educati...
Revised arrangements for the completion of Classroom-Based Assessments have been publis...