#5: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Aistear
The Early Childhood team in NCCA is developing a series of blogs to share insights on t...
The NCCA Primary Podcast is a space where ideas about the redeveloped primary school cu...
With Seachtain na Gaeilge on the horizon, why not check out the updated Primary Languag...
The Primary School Curriculum is changing. The redeveloped curriculum will aim to help...
NCCA has developed a number of supports to assist schools’ work in introducing the rede...
An expression of interest has been issued to all post-primary schools offering schools...
All new subject and module specifications and programme statements published in Septemb...
In Tranche 2 of the subject reviews, seven Leaving Certificate subjects have been redev...
In this issue of info@ncca, we thought we’d try something a little different and introd...
Early Enactment Review for Leaving Certificate Lithuanian, Polish and Portuguese
#4: Aistear and the Outdoors