Gníomhaíochtaí aistrithe bunscoile  

Gheobhaidh tú moltaí anseo chun cabhrú le do phleanáil do na páistí a bheidh ag teacht isteach i naíonáin shóisearacha mar aon le roinnt gníomhaíochtaí a bhaineann le haistriú a d’fhéadfadh a bheith úsáideach sa chéad téarma.

Children that may need extra support with the transition to primary school Play Children that may need extra support with the transition to primary school Children that may need extra support with the transition to primary school
The kinds of experiences that are important for children in the early years in primary school Play The kinds of experiences that are important for children in the early years in primary school The kinds of experiences that are important for children in the early years in primary school
The transition to primary school and the issue of toilets Play The transition to primary school and the issue of toilets The transition to primary school and the issue of toilets
Transition to primary school and the expectation to sit at tables for periods of time Play Transition to primary school and the expectation to sit at tables for periods of time Transition to primary school and the expectation to sit at tables for periods of time
Use of workbooks on transition to primary school Play Use of workbooks on transition to primary school Use of workbooks on transition to primary school